Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pathway to the end

I have now reached Week #12. What a sad occasion this is. I have thoroughly enjoyed my travel through the roadway of web 2.0 and have learned many new things and recapped a few. These tools are making a huge change within the world and our libraries that most of us probably didn't even fathom.

I find social networking an exciting tool as well as a bit of a reclusive one. It's interesting how social we can be whilst sitting alone in our home with a computer. A question arises of whether we are becoming more reclusive and shy around actual people? Something to think about....

Aside from that I think that using social networking tools in our libraries can link the community together. It is particularly difficult to involve young people in library activities so perhaps we could use this to connect with them as well as the members of our community that may not be able to get out due to disabilities or illness.

There is a huge scope of usage with all of these tools...we just have to implement them...and not to mention have the time to use them!

thanks's been great! :)

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Fantastic! You've completed the program - and just in time to be in the prize draw!

We're very glad you enjoyed the experience, and are keen to get on and try things out at your library.
